How do I know my private information is safe?

Our unique online medical license application form operates behind a Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

Our website and database is tested daily for security vulnerabilities, and certified by a third party company, McAfee Secure.
In addition to these measures, our web site does not store a copy of your credit card number, so it can never be a source of credit card theft. All of your information and transactions remain 100% CONFIDENTIAL.

Health Care Licensing Services is enrolled in Trustwave's Trusted Commerce™ program to validate compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) mandated by all the major credit card associations including: American Express, Diners Club, Discover, JCB, MasterCard Worldwide, Visa, Inc. and Visa Europe.

We also utilizes a third party document destruction company. All Shred-it locations in the United States and Canada have received NAID AAA Certification by adhering to the stringent security practices and procedures established by the National Association for Information Destruction.